What Career Would You Like To Build?


Welcome to baseMetro Learning Community, where we help Creatives, Students, and Entrepreneurs make their goals into reality!  This is a Career Development Assistance Service for motivated individuals who are seeking quality resources for Learning.  baseMetro trains, equips, and hires program participants as a part of its subscription-based service.  

Would you agree that simultaneously applying the job skills you are learning, as you go through a training course, is beneficial?  That is the heart of our Career Development approach.  We call this the BASE3 principle. 

~Watch the Video below for Full Details~ 

How We Help.

Our “Working Study Groups” approach can save you money as you prepare for College and/or other career training institutions.

Whether you choose to join under the Entrepreneur Agenda sign up, or through Direct Sign up, effective career help can be found through one of our ‘10 Doors of Opportunity’.

Our Courses

Our Mission is to unite thousands of positively-motivated people into a collaborative team which takes on business ventures within the fields of Content Creation, Career Development, and Marketing. You can participate in this rewarding endeavor, with little risk, by becoming a subscriber with one of the "Earn while you Learn" opportunities listed below:

  • Learn the nuances of Video Game development from Tutors, Coaches, and Instructors.

    Our training program can be customized to each participant's style of learning as we don't believe in a "one-size-fits-all" approach. (Furthermore, we will teach with plain English.) This exciting computer training program is conducted through in-person workshops and via a proprietary mobile app.

    Pay a low monthly subscription fee and learn the Art, Science, and Business of computer video game development. [Learn More - Gaming & Tech —>]

    Locations Served:

    Midwest USA

    Number of Openings:


    Certification Targets:

    Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Technology


    Leadership skills, Increased Scholastic Performance, Launch of STEM/STEAM Career, Expertise gained as Presenter

    [Learn More About Gaming & Tech]

  • Our "Working Study Group" involving Real Estate Investment

    baseMetro is seeking Midwesterners who would like to learn about and Invest in Real Estate with us. Property Management, Security, Investing/Finance, Project Management, and Criminology are additional subjects for study that this group will undertake.

    Proper Real Estate Investment requires both broad, and in-depth knowledge of management, best industry practices, maintenance, and more. Once applicants demonstrate their commitment to studying for the “Certification Targets” related to this opportunity, we will then begin investing as a group in ‘buy and hold’ real estate assets.


    Locations Served:

    Metropolitan Detroit Area

    Number of Openings:


    Certification Targets:

    Degree in Criminology, Bookkeeping Certificate


    Expertise gained in Real Estate Investing and Property Management

  • Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Drywall, Painting/Finishes, Welding, Roofing, Landscaping, HVAC, Masonry/Stonework, Logistics, Computers, and Multimedia Production will all be studied as a part of this opportunity.

    The paid work portion of this opportunity comes in the form of hands on training at actual contractors’ work sites, as participants apply the skills they’re currently in the process of mastering.

    Participation with this opportunity also requires a deeper commitment to the study of Mechanical Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry.


    Locations Served:

    Metropolitan Detroit Area

    Number of Openings:


    Certification Targets:

    Builders License, CDL, Degrees in Chemistry, Physics, and Mechanical Engineering


    Leadership skills, Increased Skills as Assistive Labor Provider, Launch of Career in Building Trades, Expertise gained as Presenter

  • For past and present students of Business Administration.

    You can get high-powered help in your Business Education with baseMetro Learning Community!

    This opportunity is for those college students who have previously majored in, or are presently majoring in Business Administration.

    We set you up in a combined business operation which allows you to earn money in Tax Preparation, Virtual Office operation, and Project Management, while you study to reach this opportunity’s “certification targets”.


    Locations Served:

    Metropolitan Detroit Area

    Number of Openings:


    Certification Targets:

    B.S. in Business Administration, Certified Project Manager


    Expertise in Tax Services, Expertise in Virtual Office Operations, and Leadership skills

  • Could you use a way to earn good money and apply your College major while still in school?

    We offer part-time employment for students who can demonstrate their ability to form and operate an official small business. The type of work we offer will center around Computer Graphics, Marketing and Advertising, and Motion Picture Production.

    Qualifying Participants will partner with one, or more, fellow students (limit 4) to create a business, which baseMetro Learning Community will hire on a regular basis.

    Our MaxPaidNet program will handle those nagging money problems faced by many students, while providing a higher level of professional work experience


    Locations Served:

    Metropolitan Detroit Area

    Number of Openings:

    40 Entities

    Certification Targets:

    Project Management Certification


    Creation and Operation of Business Entity

  • Our RA 20 Group Media project is designated as a television show line up which features Inspirational, Religious, and Community programming.

    Participants, and Audience members, should like the quality-driven productions created in the Metro-Detroit area, and circulated throughout the Midwest USA. Subscribing program participants can make good pay, and gain valuable experience through helping to create shows that deal with self-improvement, community affairs, and spiritual guidance combined with fellowship.

    That’s 20 new programs airing and streamed on traditional TV, and over the Internet. Sign Up today, if you would like to participate in the creation of useful and positive journalism, entertainment, and coverage of positive happenings using state of the art technology, and first-rate production techniques!


    Locations Served:

    Metropolitan Detroit Area

    Number of Openings:


    Certification Targets:



  • Production Professionals,
    here is a secure environment in which to further develop your technical skills, and make good career connections. 

    We practice together in order to be even more qualified, as a group, when major Media Production opportunities come to our area.

    Had your fill of networking events that produce very limited results?

    When you show up for MediaJobs Network practice sessions, not only do you gain experience with new and advanced tools and equipment, but you also earn credit.  With these credits, you gain access to well-paying work assignments and subcontracts which originate from baseMetro Learning Community. 

    [ Learn more about MediaJobs Network ——> ]


    Locations Served:

    Metropolitan Detroit Area

    Number of Openings:


    Certification Targets:



    Increase in skills related to Industry- grade Motion Picture Production

    [ Go To MediaJobs Network Page ]

  • Attention: Highly-skilled Actors

    BaseMetro now provides support for your Acting Career

    The Actors Registry program offers you portfolio creation services and guaranteed Acting jobs in television series, commercial ads, and movies. We regularly take your official headshots, assemble recordings of your performances into an online archive, and assign you roles in presentations produced by BaseMetro Learning Community.

    Quality headshots must be up to date, so we make sure you are supplied with current ones as a basic part of the service. Acting roles take the form of movie roles, parts in TV Commercials, and special presentations developed under our "MegaNetworkers Hub" Project. Accepted applicants will also be offered work as Acting Coaches for various other projects BaseMetro is developing...

    [ Click Here for Actors Registry Page ]


    Locations Served:

    [Phase 1] Southeastern Michigan Area

    [Phase 2] Midwest USA Region

    Number of Openings:


    Certification Targets:



    Growth in acting skills, more experience, and increased size of professional network

    Go to Project Page:

    [ Click Here for Actors Registry Page ]

  • The MegaNetworkers Program is a unique developmental experience for those who can embrace ‘cross-training’, while taking on two highly technical fields.  BaseMetro will guide Participants through rigorous coursework centered around Financial Management in Media.  Simultaneously, trainees will gain deep knowledge in computer networking, communications, and information technology.

    BaseMetro Learning Community's purpose is to demystify the concepts related to mastering both Accounting and Computer Science.  Our Coaches, Tutors, and Instructors will work to assure that you don't succumb to the intimidation factor that stops so many people from pursuing a career in S.T.E.M. 

    So, before you head down to one of the colleges or training centers to undergo the conventional process for learning business, bookkeeping, computer programming, financial accounting, digital communications, etc., please give our inexpensive prep solution a try.  Our MegaNetworkers Hub Program is designed to help you positively build your strengths and position you to win from the start!  

    [Learn More - MegaNetworkers Hub —>]


    Locations Served:

    Midwest USA

    Number of Openings:


    Certification Targets:

    Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Technology

    Bachelor of Science in Accounting


    Leadership skills, Increased Scholastic Performance, Launch of Finance Career, Launch of STEM/STEAM Career, Expertise gained as Presenter

    Go to Program page:

    [Learn More About Gaming & Tech]


  • Focusing on Classic tools and techniques grow and maintain true creative ability.

    In these modern times, digital tools--and countless other shortcuts for producing results--have come to dominate the Visual Arts.

    The Artists Preserve

    This program allows participants to refocus on the natural connection between body, mind, materials, and style.

    Draw, Sculpt, Paint, and Design your own place in Life, History, and Society.

    The ability to draw well still gives people a sense of wonder. In this modern fast-paced world, we tend to forget the value of developing deep skill. Now, there is an inexpensive program that will commit itself to spending the necessary time, and providing the needed attention with each participating Learner.

    The Artists Preserve program by BaseMetro Learning Community offers an immersive experience for those who value real skill. We will also help Artists generate income, as they continue on their journey of creative growth.

    [ Learn more about Artists Preserve ——> ]


    Locations Served:

    Southeastern Michigan

    Number of Openings:


    Certification Targets:

    Masters of Fine Arts Degree, Bachelors in Graphic Art and Design


    Advancement in Arts Career and creative expression

    [ Go To Artists Preserve Page ]

Pre-Apply Today as an Entrepreneur Agenda Subscriber

Get Ready for something completely different! We invite you to create with us!

Our Entrepreneur Agenda level pays you to collaborate on Movie projects, Career Training programs, TV Shows, and Business Ventures.

  • We pool our time, talents, energy, and small amounts of Bitcoin in order to seek financial rewards for our Members

  • Our Community pays participants in three ways

  • Use the skills you already have as a springboard to start working and Learning with our community